ABOUT 2022
The inaugural Amsterdam Climate Week - ACW will run from the 12th - 18th of September and is an opportunity for people to come together to collaborate and initiate projects to tackle climate change.
Less talking and more doing!
It will be a 7-day program filled with meaningful discussions, exhibitions, film screenings, live music, and cultural events across the city. Each event will be attached to an action we can all take to help make change and progress when it comes to our planet.
The Amsterdam Agora is held across multiple venues across the beautiful city, and all are encouraged to take part in the week, particularly those who are interested in grassroots work within the areas of environmental and social change and labour movements, and the LGBTQ+ community fighting against low-income, racism, sexism.
Amsterdam is a colorful home to more than 180 nationalities. Scientists and scholars join with the artists to drive solutions to our collective catastrophe.
The World is here in Amsterdam!
The ACW'S opening speech is by one of the most influential public intellectuals globally and the author of over 100 books; philosopher and political activist, Noam Chomsky.
Don`t fight the old! Build the new! Our quest is to find a way to build an inclusive society with a stable climate with as many people involved as possible. Powered by social - and climate justice organisations 7 Billion Presidents and Green Revolution Foundation.
We know that we are slowly destroying the planet.
We know that if we don't do anything about it, future generations will suffer.
So, let's stop just talking about it, and actually do something about it.
Let's get Amsterdam in Action!
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